How to Advocate for Employee Mental Health

Employee mental health is not only a matter of ethical consideration. It is also a significant factor in workplace productivity. According to the CDC, depression alone can interfere with the completion of physical job tasks 20% of the time. They also reduce cognitive performance 35% of the time. 

However, workers’ compensation benefits often do not extend to mental health issues. It can be arduous to furnish proof of the non-physical injury and lead to rejection of the claim. The absence of this resource can make it potentially expensive for employees who miss work and cannot file claims. Moreover, missed work or on-the-job productivity losses can also cost employers.

Start a Conversation

Establishing that you care about mental wellness in the workplace starts by having a dialogue. This must be a sincere rather than a symbolic gesture. Ideally, this conversation starter should take many forms in medium and content. 

Use any communication channels to ensure employees know the resources they may leverage. Furthermore, they should know how to access these resources from onboarding. 

Of course, this outreach should happen confidently and compassionately.

Take Advantage of Human Resources

The goal of human resources is to find, retain, advocate for, and maximize the value of human capital in the workplace. Therefore, HR should guide the promotion of mental wellness in the workplace. They often handle mental health advocacy according to ethical duties, relevant employment laws, and other considerations. 

Furthermore, HR should already help employees understand their rights and resources. Those rights and resources range from legal parameters like civil rights and discrimination. They also extend to private, elective considerations, such as community resources. A comprehensive advocacy plan can maximize the value of this pool of resources and knowledge. 

Provide Mental Health Resources

As mentioned, employers can promote employees’ mental health by providing listings of resources. Additionally, you can provide free access to informational resources. It is also worth having relevant seminars and self-assessment tools in quiet spaces within the office.

Check-In With Employees 

It is also essential to check in with employees regularly regarding mental health. This process should happen by regularly reminding and updating employees and meeting with them privately. 

Additionally, employers should be aware of the signs that someone is struggling with their mental health. Then, they can gently direct them toward helpful resources. 

Encourage Work-Life Balance

Poor work-life balance can be a common source of stress for employees. Therefore, employers should promote and facilitate a healthy work-life balance. In addition to promoting work-life balance, it is also helpful to provide appropriate benefits. 

Make Reasonable Accommodations

Reasonable accommodations are not only helpful for employees. They can also be a matter of legal necessity. ADA regulations mandate reasonable accommodations for employees with disabilities. 

These accommodations should allow employees to do their work without additional inconvenience. For example, an employee with a visual impairment in an office should have access to text-to-speech software. 

You may feel uncertain about whether a condition falls under the ADA. If so, the HR department should solicit legal resources or direct employees to healthcare. 

Address Mental Health Deterrents 

You should anticipate the potential causes of poor mental well-being in the workplace as much as possible. Again, reasonable work hours and benefits are one way to accomplish this mission. 

Employers should constantly look for opportunities to improve the work environment. This process may mean changing workflow, adjusting negative management techniques, or providing additional benefits. 

What is needed will, to a degree, be unique to your company and its employees. Therefore, pursuing a positive workplace should be an ongoing pursuit that develops in collaboration with employees. 

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About the Author

Aaron is a professional legal writer with a B.S. in English Education from Southern Illinois University – Carbondale. He has written, published, and edited thousands of legal articles for RequestLegalHelp, which has connected over 5 million people to legal help in the United States.

With over five years of experience writing thousands of legal articles for law firms across the U.S. and Canada, Aaron specializes in covering federal, state, and city-level legal issues ranging from auto accidents to wrongful terminations.

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