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Property Disputes in Chandler, AZ

The average selling price for a home in Chandler was $523,907 in February 2023. As a result, anyone with a property dispute in the area has a substantial problem to address.

These issues get to the core of your wallet whether you are a tenant, landlord, or private land owner. Encroachment, rent disputes, and other concerns could not be more significant to your quality of life.

If you have questions, you may find the answers you need below. But many of the remedies available benefit from hiring an attorney. Consider your options with us today by reading this article carefully.

What Is a Property Dispute?

Legal property disputes pertain to real estate. For example, they could involve single-family residences, apartments, and condominiums. These legal problems in Chandler, AZ may involve many parties, including those listed below:

  • HOAs
  • Family
  • Neighbors
  • Trespassers
  • State or federal agencies
  • Visitors on your property
  • Tenants and landlords

Two judiciaries could have jurisdiction over a property dispute in Chandler. Lower-level litigation can go to the local municipal court. More substantial concerns over $10,000 belong to the Maricopa County Superior Court.

Common Types of Chandler, Arizona Property Disputes

It is paramount to stay mindful of typical property disputes. The following are some of the most frequently experienced quarrels:

In addition to these instances, other scenarios may arise in Chandler that result in a property dispute. As a landowner, you must know that your land is not used for crime or unlawfully claimed by others.

Understanding Typical Chandler, Arizona Property Disputes

Chandler City Code makes it the property owner’s responsibility to maintain their trees. They must not represent a danger to the public. If they cause injuries, there are civil liabilities for the damage.

Additionally, Arizona law shields farmers in Chandler from nuisance lawsuits. A neighbor cannot file a complaint if it has existed for more than a year and wasn’t an annoyance previously. Farms or ranches that are less than a year old are not liable if they have prudent operations.

Legal Process for Boundary Disputes In Chandler, Arizona

Are you facing a property dispute in Chandler or initiating one against someone else?

If that’s the case, it’s essential to comprehend the legal proceedings. The process begins with defining the problem in question.

Understand the Boundary Issue

To comprehend the specifics of the boundary dispute, you should take the following steps:

  • Use a land survey to locate the exact boundary of your property. You will find a legal description in the deed to get you started. This survey will define your property and the extent of the encroachment.
  • Carry out an appraisal to determine the precise market value of the disputed property.
  • Conduct a title search to identify all the documents in the chain of title of your Chandler, AZ property. This examination will reveal any deeds that could impact your ownership.

These steps most likely happened when you bought the property. If so, the documents in your possession should suffice.

Landowners in Chandler should also know about the state’s “adverse possession” statute. This law allows someone to claim ownership of the land they have possessed for a certain period. As a result, someone can trespass long enough to take land for themselves. This legal concept can mean protecting yourself from encroachment is vital to your interests.

Try to Find a Solution with Your Neighbor

Resolving property disputes through litigation in Chandler, Arizona can be pricey and time-consuming. As a result, it is crucial to start communication with your neighbor to resolve the matter. You can prevent many expenses and stressful situations by reaching a mutual agreement and avoiding legal action.

It is worth your time to communicate with your neighbor in a friendly manner. You may try sending a letter or an email. Alternatively, make a phone call or visit their home. But make sure it is safe to do so first.

If attempts to resolve the matter with your neighbor prove fruitless, it may be time to seek legal help. They can provide insight into whether you have a legal basis for your claim. If so, they can assist you in drafting a demand letter.

Sending a Demand Letter

Your attorney will draft a letter about the property dispute in Chandler and send it to your neighbor. The missive will also provide options for resolving the issue. These may include a recommendation for a specific action by your neighbor or a suggested settlement amount.

Your neighbor will probably forward the letter to their attorney. Following this action, the attorneys representing each party will collaborate. Then, they will determine the optimal plan of action moving forward.

Going to Court or Reaching a Settlement

It is usually beneficial for both parties to resolve a property dispute outside of court. Nevertheless, if negotiations fail to produce satisfactory results, filing the dispute in court is next. In these cases, the court in Chandler, AZ will review the evidence and rule on ownership.

Remember that the court’s verdict is legally binding, even if it is not the desired outcome. Consequently, settling the dispute outside of court is typically recommended if feasible.

The Maricopa County Superior Court or Chandler Municipal Court handles local property disputes. Civil cases valued at over $10,000 belong to the former. But litigation for less than that amount goes to the latter.

Work With an Experienced Local Property Dispute Lawyer In Chandler, Arizona

In property disputes, it is advisable to seek the assistance of a seasoned property dispute lawyer. Whether you are filing against your neighbor or defending yourself, having a Chandler property lawyer can prove valuable.

A legal counselor can assist in resolving the issue before resorting to court, ultimately saving both parties time and cash. We can even help you connect with an attorney across Arizona state lines.

Send us a request or call (866) 345-6784 to find out more!

About the Author

Aaron is a professional legal writer with a B.S. in English Education from Southern Illinois University – Carbondale. He has written, published, and edited thousands of legal articles for RequestLegalHelp, which has connected over 5 million people to legal help in the United States.

With over five years of experience writing thousands of legal articles for law firms across the U.S. and Canada, Aaron specializes in covering federal, state, and city-level legal issues ranging from auto accidents to wrongful terminations.

We offer coverage on other areas of Chandler, AZ law if your search has led to more questions:

Auto Accident


Business Law

Child Birth Injury

Child Custody

Child Support

Consumer Law

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Debt Collector Harassment

Divorce Law


Employment Law

Eviction Law

Foreclosure Defense

Identity Theft

Immigration Law

Insurance Claims

Lemon Law

Medical Malpractice

Nursing Home Abuse

Patent Law

Personal Injury Law

Power of Attorney

Probate Law

Real Estate Law

Social Security Disability

Tax Law

Traffic Law

Vaccination Injury

Workers Compensation

Workplace Discrimination

Wrongful Termination

Wills and Trusts

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