Immigration Law in Carson City, NV

Understanding immigration law is a daunting but indispensable journey. Furthermore, the constant changes in legislation can mean you need an attorney to accomplish your goals.

This article will shed light on both the legal challenges and opportunities. These essential details will help you overcome the hurdles and find the representation you need.

What Is Immigration Law?

Immigration law involves federal regulations to determine the ability to live and work in the USA. It also dictates the naturalization process for permanent residents to become citizens. Accordingly, it mandates the legal consequences for violating proper processes. These penalties can include detention, deportation, and other legal actions for those who lose their immigration status.

Some jurisdictions in the United States have chosen to become immigration sanctuaries. These municipalities or counties take this action in response to harsh policies. However, the Center for Immigration Studies does not list Carson City as one of them.

Which Government Agencies Enforce Immigration Law?

In the United States, immigration law depends on several federal government agencies. Here are the three primary agencies responsible for overseeing these matters: 

  • Customs and Border Protection (CBP) protects and fortifies the borders of the United States. It plays a crucial role in safeguarding the country’s borders from unauthorized entry.
  • U.S. Citizenship and Immigration Services (USCIS) processes applications.
  • Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE) conducts investigations into individuals who violate immigration laws. It also oversees detention and removal proceedings.

How Does Immigration Into the U.S. and Carson City, NV Work?

You must complete various forms to immigrate to the United States. Many of these applications involve complex regulations. Consequently, you may need the help of an immigration lawyer in Carson City, Nevada.

It is notable that Nevada has a history of passing progressive laws. For example, the Keep Nevada Working Act added options for immigrants to work in their chosen fields. As a result, you or a family member in Carson City may find more opportunities than you may expect currently.

Types Of Immigration

Family-Based Immigration

The most common form of immigration is when an eligible family member submits a petition on behalf of someone else. U.S. citizens can file a petition for immediate relatives without many restrictions. However, permanent residents and other migrants may encounter additional limitations.

Individuals seeking immigration who are not immediate relatives undergo a more extensive review. Their immigration applications go into a pool that considers applied preferences. Priority goes to individuals under 21 years old and unmarried. Conversely, older relatives can have a long wait ahead. It can often take several years for these applicants to obtain a visa.

Employment-Based Immigration

A non-immigrant visa (H-1B) goes to individuals who seek temporary employment. This employment-based immigration encompasses a wide range of categories, including but not limited to:

  • Missionaries
  • Diplomats
  • Athletes
  • Entertainers
  • Healthcare experts
  • Agriculture workers

In such instances, a specific employer usually acts as the sponsor for the immigrant. After the temporary period ends, the company may grant permanent status to the immigrant. Additionally, some business owners and investors in Carson City can sponsor themselves.

Refugees And Asylum Seekers

There are circumstances where individuals escaping persecution can enter and stay in America. The current President of the United States and Congress determine the number of people who receive this refugee status.

Individuals with concerns about facing persecution may also seek asylum. There is no restriction on how many can receive this status currently.

Carson City offers a range of immigration and refugee services to support individuals in their transition. Furthermore, the city’s Health and Human Services department collaborates with various non-profit organizations. These services include the following:

  • Language interpretation
  • Translation services
  • Cultural orientation programs
  • Employment support
  • Access to healthcare and educational resources

The Difference Between a Visa and a Green Card

A visa permits entry into the United States and sets a specific time someone can stay. In contrast, a green card grants the privilege to enter and remain in the country indefinitely. Accordingly, those who possess them are permanent residents.

Non-Immigrant Visas

Non-immigrant visas are for individuals who intend to remain in the United States temporarily. These visas typically do not lead to permanent residency unless the person has another qualifying reason. Examples of non-immigrant visas include tourist, student, and work visas.

Immigrant Visas

Immigrant visas present the chance to obtain permanent residency in the United States. Holding an immigrant visa can potentially make you eligible for a green card. However, acquiring these visas is more challenging and necessitates sponsorship.

The Role of Carson City, NV Immigration Lawyers

In Carson City, immigration lawyers from Nevada offer their expertise as consultants. They guide applicants in navigating the immigration application procedure. Their services involve a wide range of matters. They may handle everything from deportation cases to the naturalization process.

Immigration lawyers typically do not appear in court to handle cases. Instead, they act as intermediaries between their clients and the U.S. immigration services. Specifically, immigration lawyers in Carson City, NV primarily engage with the U.S. Citizenship and Immigration Services department.

There are also local organizations that provide other necessary services to immigrants in Carson City. For instance, Catholic Charities of Southern Nevada has help to offer. They offer aid for food, housing, and other family services while you work through the legal system.

When Should I Consider Hiring a Carson City, NV Immigration Attorney?

You may not always need an immigration lawyer in Carson City, Nevada. However, there are specific situations where it becomes essential to engage their services:

  • There is confusion over how the application process should work or the forms to complete
  • The applicant has a child that is close to turning 21 before receiving approval for an application
  • The prior approval depended on a marriage that has resulted in a divorce
  • The current visa depends on employment and the employer has refused to participate in the process
  • There has been an unreasonably long waiting period since filing an application
  • The United States barred the applicant from entry into the country
  • There were denials for previous applications
  • A U.S. court convicted the applicant for a crime

Are you experiencing any of the previously-mentioned issues, or do you have another concern? If that’s the case, we can assist you in connecting with a suitable attorney in Carson City, NV. They will guide you through the complexities of the legal system. We can even help you connect with an attorney across Nevada state lines.

Ask us for a free referral online or call us at (866) 345-6784!

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