Divorce Law in New Haven, CT

Facing a divorce in New Haven can be a bewildering and emotionally charged experience. What might seem straightforward can quickly become entangled in legal complexities.

Take control of your future by learning the essentials of local law and seeking professional legal counsel. Whether you’re contemplating divorce or ready to change divorce attorneys, now’s the time to act.

Issues Involved in New Haven, Connecticut Divorce Law

There are many complicated issues that you need to settle during the divorce process. Many of these elicit strong emotions from one party or the other, resulting in volatility.

Dividing Property 

One of the most challenging issues in the divorce law process is dividing property, debts, and assets. In many states, like Connecticut, anything you and your spouse purchased over your marriage is subject to division. This includes things such as real estate, bank accounts, cars, stocks, etc. Some states split marital property evenly, while others go along an equitable split. In the latter, the judge weighs the contribution each spouse made to the marriage and uses that information to decide the disposition of property, which may not equate to a perfect 50/50 division of your property, debt,  and other assets…

Child Support 

Both parents are responsible for paying for the care of their children. There is a child support guideline that helps determine how much each parent should contribute based on their income and the amount of time they spend with the children. Child support pays for things such as healthcare, food, clothing, and other basic needs.

As you may expect, child support payments depend on parents’ earnings in New Haven. The state government uses an Income Shares Model that looks at gross income, taxes, and other obligations. The adjusted figure and who has custody decides who should pay and how much.


Alimony, or spousal support, can vary dramatically depending on the marriage, and New Haven, CT divorce law court looks at multiple factors when determining the amount and length of alimony, including:

  • A spouse’s need and the other spouse’s ability to pay
  • The age and health of each spouse
  • The length of the marriage
  • Each spouse’s earning capacity and level of education
  • The division of property
  • Parental responsibility of the children
  • Sole investments and assets of either spouse

The court system in Connecticut has several types of alimony it can order. New Haven residents may pay temporarily during divorce proceedings to maintain the status quo. Alternatively, rehabilitative spousal support lasts until they become self-sufficient. The final option is permanent and maintaining the standard of living comparable to the marriage.

Child Custody and Visitation

Child custody is perhaps the most emotional issue during a divorce that involves children. The most important thing to keep in mind is that the court bases all decisions on what is in the best interest of the child. Keeping this in mind may help navigate the rough waters of custody.

Connecticut General Statutes § 46b-56(c) outlines specific considerations for the best interests of a child. Their needs in New Haven and the parent’s ability to meet them are critical. Additionally, the child’s relationship with each parent matters. But a local judge can consider any factor they deem relevant.

Generally, New Haven, Connecticut courts award joint legal custody giving both parents the legal right to make decisions for the children, such as education, medical care, and religious practices. Legal custody has nothing to do with physical custody or visitation. Joint custody does not mean both parents split time with the child evenly, just as Sole legal custody does not bar the non-custodial parent from visiting the child.

The Process of Going Through Divorce Law in New Haven, Connecticut

Are you leaning towards getting a divorce from your partner? If so, it is important to understand the necessary steps of the divorce law process.

Step 1: File the Divorce Law Petition

The divorce law process begins when one spouse files a legal petition to terminate the marriage. The petition must include:

  • A legal reason for divorce (grounds for divorce)
  • A statement that shows at least one spouse meets the state’s residency requirements for divorce
  • Other statutory information your state requires

Most states offer the option for filing a no-fault divorce, which does not require a legal reason for the divorce.

Connecticut offers no-fault divorce proceedings to New Haven residents currently.

Step 2: Request Temporary Orders

The divorce law process in New Haven can take several months, but temporary orders can be requested and approved for a multitude of reasons, including:

  • Child custody
  • Child support
  • Spousal support
  • Property restraining orders
  • Status quo orders

Request temporary orders as quickly as possible so you are not absent the resources or protection that you need.

Step 3: Serve Your Spouse and Wait for Their Response

If you are the one who files a petition for divorce, you must have your spouse served with their divorce law papers and then file a proof of service with the courts. If your spouse accepts the service, then they need to fill out an affidavit to that effect. However, in many cases, the petitioner must hire a process server or sheriff to formally serve the petition on the other spouse. It is this third partythird-party who then records the proof of service.

Step 4: Try To Come to an Agreement

The best outcome for anyone going through this process is to have an uncontested divorce, meaning both spouses agree on all issues.

This can be reached between both partners or with the help of a mediator. Not only will this save each spouse money, but there will typically be a lot less animosity.

Step 5: Go To Court

If you and your spouse are unable to reach an agreement, then the case continues before a New Haven, CT judge. While there is some benefit to having a judge hand down orders, it may also be a detriment as there is little to no control of the agreement by the parties.

Most divorce cases in New Haven go through the Family Division of the Superior Court. As a result, many couples may have scheduled hearings at the New Haven County Courthouse.

Step 6: Receive the Judgement of Divorce

The divorce law trial will end with the official judgment of divorce, ending the marriage. This final dissolution of marriage sets out the details about property and debt division, child custody, and all relevant issues between the couple.

Work With an Experienced New Haven, Connecticut Divorce Law Attorney

If you are going through a divorce and are unable to reach an agreement with your partner, you should hire an experienced New Haven divorce law attorney. A lawyer will fight for you and make sure you get what is yours. We can even help you connect with an attorney across Connecticut state lines.

Submit a request online or call us today at (866) 345-6784 to get in touch with an experienced lawyer in your area!

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