Workers Compensation in Nashua, NH

Workers’ compensation should support employees like you and provide crucial benefits. However, navigating the complexities of these claims can be challenging, especially when dealing with reluctant insurance companies.

Imagine having a clear roadmap to claim the benefits you deserve. An experienced attorney can guide you through the process, handling the legalities while you prioritize your health. Explore our guide below and learn how partnering with a skilled local lawyer can simplify your claim.

Workers Compensation Statistics in Nashua, New Hampshire

Recent data indicates that workplace injuries and illnesses remain a significant concern. For instance, the Bureau of Labor Statistics reported that New Hampshire experienced a higher-than-normal rate of incidents. Furthermore, the state also records occupational illnesses, with issues such as respiratory problems and repetitive stress injuries. These statistics underscore the importance of workplace safety measures in Nashua.

How Does Workers Comp Work in Nashua, New Hampshire?

Unfortunately, going through the process of applying for workers’ compensation begins with getting sick or injured on the job. The circumstances surrounding the incident that led to your problems are especially crucial. For example, the injury had to occur during your regular work duties. While an event that happens during your lunch break wouldn’t apply, getting into a car accident while running an errand for your boss would qualify for a claim.

Employers in Nashua have a mandate to carry workers’ compensation insurance. This requirement applies to virtually all organizations, regardless of the number of employees. Failing to have an insurer can lead to fines and other consequences.

For example, say your supervisor asked you to drop something off on your lunch break. While running this errand you then get in a car accident on your way to the destination. Any resulting injury is eligible for workers’ compensation. However, if you are on your lunch break, performing no such task when you get in an accident, it does not qualify for a claim.

The steps you take immediately following a workplace incident in Nashua, New Hampshire are critical for purposes of filing a claim for compensation. Follow the following steps to preserve your rights and learn how workers comp works.

Get Medical Attention

After you get injured or feel ill, the first step is to see a doctor. Don’t delay seeking help from a Nashua, New Hampshire healthcare professional. This could not only jeopardize your health, but you run the risk of missing time-sensitive deadlines in the workers’ compensation process. Having a proper medical report detailing the extent of the damage and how it occured is the first step in the process. Your employer cannot file a claim with their insurance carrier without this information.

When dealing with a job-related illness, the symptoms and diagnosis may not happen right away. You may find yourself attending regular checkups and testing for weeks or months before a doctor finally associates your illness with your job. Your doctor may make the determination that the illness is either the result of your work conditions or aggravated by them. Once they do, see your human resources representative to file a workers’ compensation claim.

File a First Report of Injury

The first report of an on the job injury or illness will provide the workers’ compensation insurance carrier with the details of the events leading up to the injury. In this report, you will provide your physical injuries, the medical treatment you received and the facilities that provided it. It’s always a good idea to bring a copy of the doctor’s report to submit with the report of injury.

State law mandates that injured employees must start a claim within two years. The clock starts when the injury occurs or when you discover one. This notification should ideally be in writing and include details about the nature of the problem.

Timeline and Other Information

The timeline for receiving workers’ compensation benefits can vary based on the case. But generally, there is a process that gives an idea of the average timeline in Nashua. For example, employers must file a First Report of Injury with the New Hampshire Department of Labor within five days. Next, the insurance company has 21 days to investigate the claim and make a decision. If approved, benefits for lost wages typically begin to accrue on the fourth day of disability and get paid retroactively.

Your employer should furnish you with information about the claims process. The adjuster or insurance carrier representative may want to speak to you at some point about the incident and any possible witnesses to the event. In the meantime, the workers’ comp insurer may begin paying medical benefits while the investigation into your claim continues.

Why You Should Hire a Nashua, New Hampshire Workers’ Compensation Lawyer

While workers’ compensation claims may be straightforward for some cases in Nashua, New Hampshire, in others, it may be more difficult. For example, your employer may decide to question whether you were hurt on the clock or your own time. It’s also common for a company to question the full extent of your injury. Hiring a Nashuaworkers’ comp lawyer ensures that you have an advocate to fight for your rights as a victim.

Work With an Experienced Local Lawyer In Nashua, New Hampshire

If you are hurt or contract an illness as a result of your job in Nashua, New Hampshire you need to find the right people to help. Since the workers’ compensation claims process can have pitfalls, you should consider getting a local attorney who knows how to avoid them.

Submit a request online or call us today at (866) 345-6784 to get in touch with an experienced lawyer in your area!

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