Find Your Work Injury Lawyer

Work Injury Lawyer

Even job sites where companies prioritize safety have accidents from time to time. Also, while many worksites focus on physical safety, few put measures in place to protect mental health. To add to this, the employer may not be aware of safety issues in the building, such as when a landlord has lied about the presence of asbestos. These and other factors can cause people to face injuries and illnesses at work that can necessitate the intervention of a work injury lawyer.

What Is a Work Injury?

Work injuries refer to physical and psychological harm someone may suffer at work or because of his or her job. These injuries can result from accidents, occupational hazards, or other ongoing problems. In some cases, these injuries prove fatal. Here are some of the most common examples of workplace injuries:

  • Slipping on a patch of ice at the entrance to a building
  • Becoming unconscious after being stuck in an elevator
  • Falling from the roof at a construction site
  • Getting into an accident while patrolling in the company vehicle
  • Developing respiratory illnesses or cancer after breathing in harmful chemicals
  • Struggling with PTSD after witnessing a shooting at work

When defining workplace injuries, some people separate work injuries from occupational illnesses, but the distinction is usually unnecessary. A work injury compensation lawyer who handles one type of case generally handles the other.

What Are the Main Types of Work Injuries?

Four main types of workplace injuries can lead to a workers’ compensation claim. This is only general information. You will need to work with an experienced attorney to help you clarify what injuries your state identifies as legitimate, how it defines each, and what benefits you could receive.

Physical Injury

Most workers’ comp claims involve physical injuries, generally related to accidents on the job. Using the examples above, slipping on a patch of ice, getting into a car accident in a work vehicle or falling from great heights would fit into this category. Note that a physical injury does not have to be life-threatening for you to make a claim, and all injuries should be reported.

Psychiatric Injury

When most people think of mental health problems at work, experiencing traumatic events most often comes to mind. People who work in fields where such events can be an everyday experience, such as first responders, may suffer from this the most. However, workers in any industry may also suffer from burnout and other qualifying mental health issues.

Occupation Illness

Not to be confused with physical injuries, an occupational illness refers to diseases that you develop while working at a job. Using the examples above, this can include respiratory illnesses resulting from inhaling toxic substances. A common manifestation of this is when construction workers and even architects develop mesothelioma after years of coming into contact with asbestos.

Repetitive Motion Stress

Finally, workers can suffer from injuries related to completing a repetitive motion. People who work with their hands are often more likely to experience this than anyone else, including people who work in the office. For instance, typists and designers often suffer from carpal tunnel syndrome. Similarly, factory workers on assembly lines face risks.

What Is Workers’ Compensation?

Workers’ compensation is a benefit offered in some form in all U.S. states. It covers lost wages and medical bills when someone suffers from workplace injuries. Each state sets its guidelines when it comes to workers’ compensation. These determine the following:

  • Whether employers must carry workers’ compensation insurance or can opt-out
  • What employers can opt out of workers’ compensation, if possible
  • What workers are covered by workers’ compensation
  • How much money do workers receive and for how long
  • What process workers need to follow to file a claim
  • What rights and privileges do workers have while receiving benefits

Most employers offer workers’ compensation through a form of social insurance, which covers the costs if an employee gets hurt on the job.

In reality, though, both insurance companies and some employers often make it hard for injured workers to access their benefits. Challenges can also come up if workers are injured at companies that don’t carry this insurance at all.

How Do You File a Workers’ Compensation Claim?

Before filing for workers’ compensation, it is important to speak with an attorney to see what your claim is worth. This can help you determine how best to proceed. Below is the general process you may follow. Note that the specifics do vary by state:

  1. Seek Medical Attention: Your first priority should always be your health, so seek medical attention as soon as possible, no matter how minor your injuries might seem.
  2. Report the Injury: Notify your employer at the earliest opportunity. Check in to do this yourself even if you think a co-worker who witnessed the incident already told your employer. Keep records to prove this.
  3. File a Workers’ Compensation Claim: File a formal workers’ compensation claim according to the protocol of workplace and state laws.
  4. Follow Medical Advice: Many workers ruin their claims or make it difficult to get disability later on by not following the doctors’ orders. Take all the necessary medication and remain at home for as long as the doctor advises.

Do You Need a Work Injury Lawyer?

Many workers hesitate to file for workers’ compensation, worried their employer might retaliate. While employer retaliation does happen, it’s illegal—and in some states, that rule applies even if the worker is undocumented. A knowledgeable attorney can help you weigh the pros and cons of filing a claim, guiding you on the best course of action for you and your family based on your state’s laws.

Work With An Experienced Local Lawyer

Unfortunately, finding a good workers’ compensation attorney can be difficult at times. This is because many attorneys do not like going up against big corporations and insurance companies. We match you with lawyers who have the experience and the willingness to tackle any entity you are up against.

Submit a request online or call us today at (866) 345-6784 to get in touch with an experienced lawyer in your area!

About the Author

Aaron is a professional legal writer with a B.S. in English Education from Southern Illinois University – Carbondale. He has written, published, and edited thousands of legal articles for RequestLegalHelp, which has connected over 5 million people to legal help in the United States.

With over five years of experience writing thousands of legal articles for law firms across the U.S. and Canada, Aaron specializes in covering federal, state, and city-level legal issues ranging from auto accidents to wrongful terminations.

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