Personal Injury Law in Chandler, AZ

Have you or a loved one recently suffered a personal injury in Chandler, Arizona? If so, you may deserve compensation for your damages.

Personal injury lawsuits can be intricate and overwhelming. It can only worsen when you have medical bills, lost wages, and pain.

But with legal representation, you can steer through the legal system and fight for justice. Our network of experienced attorneys handles a wide range of cases. Uncover some vital details, ask for a consultation, and get the compensation you need to move forward with your life.

What Is Personal Injury Law?

In Chandler, personal injury law deals with seeking compensation for an injury caused by negligence. The plaintiff tries to recover expenses and losses from the defendant’s reckless actions. The insurance companies of both parties get involved, and a settlement may occur before litigation.

Examples of Personal Injury Claims in Chandler, AZ

Many incidents resulting in physical or mental injury can qualify as a personal injury claim. Some common examples include these circumstances:

  • Burns
  • Animal Bites
  • Slip and Fall Cases
  • Multi-Car Accidents
  • Medical Malpractice
  • Workplace Injuries or Illnesses

Most Common Injuries in Chandler 

According to the most recent state health assessment, transportation issues regularly cause hospitalizations. Injuries due to long commutes to work from places like Chandler are the culprit. As a result of this unfortunate reality, car accidents are the second-leading type of unintentional injury.

Steps in a Personal Injury Lawsuit in Chandler, AZ

If you decide to pursue a personal injury lawsuit in AZ, there are specific steps you should anticipate. Tort depends on procedures and timelines, so it’s crucial to have a lawyer dedicated to your case.

Proving Negligence

The primary objective is to prove the person accountable for your injury was negligent. However, it’s essential to understand that the court requires proof, not just assumptions. Therefore, your legal team will collect evidence to support the claim before filing a lawsuit.

Several laws may apply to your circumstances in Chandler. A brief review of some of the most relevant includes these statutes:

  • ARS 12-503 defines negligence as failing to use reasonable care to prevent harm to others.
  • ARS § 12-563 states that a person who acts negligently and causes injury to another may be liable for damages.
  • ARS § 12-2505: outlines the specifics of the comparative fault system.

The Court Process in Arizona

To begin a lawsuit, you must file a complaint with the court and serve it to the defendant. The complaint states your assertion as the plaintiff that the defendant’s negligence caused harm.

You may undergo depositions, independent medical evaluations, and document production. This discovery process is often lengthy and ultimately results in a settlement or a trial.

The Superior Court of Maricopa County also has a process for complex litigation cases from Chandler. It requires a separate motion and certificate to handle these lawsuits. Nonetheless, it may be necessary when there are multiple parties involved. Your attorney could also decide to go this route when several areas of law apply.

Arizona Personal Injury Settlement

In personal injury cases, it’s common for insurance companies and injured parties to prefer settling out of court. When negotiating, several factors may impact the final amount you receive.

There are no guarantees for how much you will receive. These cases from Chandler are on a case-by-case basis. Nonetheless, we can look at some estimates based on average costs. For instance, New Choice Health in Phoenix estimates minor injuries cost $370 to $875. Now, imagine your attorney secures a $5,000 settlement. The total compensation with the medical bills is between $5370 to $5,875.

If the other party has insurance, their carrier may prefer to settle out of court. Many businesses want to avoid leaving the final settlement decision to a jury.

Injured parties can benefit from settlements just as much as insurance companies. This reality is because accepting an offer typically results in receiving payment sooner rather than later. In contrast, if you take your case to court in AZ, you might not receive anything.

Damage Awards in Arizona

If your personal injury case in Arizona goes to trial, your legal team will seek damages. The courts can award three types of awards the defendant must pay.

Special compensatory damages cover losses such as medical expenses, lost income, and deductibles. To prove these losses, you will need to provide receipts.

General compensatory damages are subjective. But if your injury was painful, you may request that the defendant compensate you for emotional distress and suffering.

Punitive damages are rarely awarded and are at the court’s discretion. Regardless, the judge or jury may determine that the defendant’s negligence was particularly awful.

There is no cap on compensatory damages for personal injury cases from Chandler. Yet, there is a limit on punitive damages meant to punish the defendant for irresponsible or intentional behavior. This financial award can’t be more than three times the compensatory damages or $2 million, whichever is greater. But this cap can increase in cases where the defendant has demonstrated a reckless pattern of behavior.

Statute of Limitations in Chandler, AZ Personal Injury Law?

There is a specific time frame within which an injured party can file a personal injury lawsuit. This statute of limitations is in state law. Typically, it begins with the plaintiff’s injury or discovery of the damage. However, it can be a high bar to clear to prove when you found out you were hurt or ill.

The statute of limitations for personal injury lawsuits in Chandler is usually two years from the injury. If you wait too long, the court may not allow you to seek damages.

We advise you to consult with a personal injury attorney regarding your situation. It’s crucial not to delay and miss out on the compensation you may deserve.

Work With an Experienced Chandler, AZ Lawyer

If you suffered an injury caused by someone else in Chandler, consider pursuing a personal injury claim. Our knowledgeable network of lawyers can assist you throughout the process. We can also connect you with an attorney across Arizona lines when necessary.

Contact us today at (866) 345-6784 or submit a request online to schedule a consultation in your area.

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