Find the Right Elder Law Attorney for You

Elder Law

What Is Elder Law?

Senior citizens are a vulnerable section of the population. Elder law aims to ensure that elderly rights are well-protected under the legal system.

Elder law attorneys specialize in this area of law, advocating for the rights of seniors and their loved ones. Important issues like health care, Social Security, disability, estate planning, and wills all come under the branch of elder law.

Do you or your loved ones want to enforce or protect your rights as senior citizens? Are you looking for a sound, reliable expert to guide you through the process? If so, let an elder law attorney take the reins and guide you through your legal predicaments.

Questions to Ask Your Elder Law Attorney

After finding an elder law attorney, you must ask the right questions. You need to communicate your concerns clearly and effectively to get the best possible advice for your issue.

Additionally, you must ensure that your lawyer is the right fit for your needs.

Here are a few questions to address during a consultation:

  • What area of elder law do you specialize in?
  • How much experience do you have in this area?
  • What kind of information do you need me to provide?
  • How often must I attend court?
  • What are your fees?

If you have any other concerns or queries regarding your rights or the legal process, then address them with your lawyer. Your attorney must be open to answering your questions and addressing your concerns.

A healthy attorney-client relationship is all about communication, trust and comfort. You should be comfortable enough to communicate effectively and trust that the attorney has your best interests at heart.

If you do not feel comfortable, then it is perfectly OK to find a new elder law attorney better suited to your needs.

Legal Issues That Come Under Elder Law

What is elder law, and what, exactly, does it cover? Take a look at a few of the most important legal issues addressed under this branch of law:

Long-Term Health Care

It is important to find the right assisted living center with the right facilities for your needs. Additionally, address other health care issues like elder care insurance and nursing home care.

Accessing Governmental Benefits

Applying for governmental benefits like Social Security income and Social Security disability can be a hassle for the elderly. But having an elder law attorney can make this process more straightforward, with minimal effort on the senior’s part.

Estate Planning & Execution

Estate planning allows seniors to decide what happens to their assets and belongings after they pass.

With an estate planning attorney’s help, you can create a distribution strategy and have the satisfaction of knowing that any assets you leave behind fall into the right hands. Learn about wills, trusts and power of attorneys, and understand your options so you make educated decisions in your best interests.

Power of Attorney

A power of attorney allows a senior to choose someone to represent her or him should the senior citizen ever become incapacitated. This person has the power to handle important decisions regarding finances, health, and other issues as necessary.

Drafting of Wills

Drafting your will is a key part of estate planning. While your family may not always have your best interests in mind, an attorney can advocate for your needs and give you sound legal advice to help you achieve the outcomes you want and deserve.

Financial Planning 

Establishing a financial power of attorney, financial planning, income management, debt management, and estate planning are a few major financial issues covered under elder law. Additionally, you may also want to create a trust in favor of a grandchild or family member to save her or him the trouble of going through the probate process.


The prospect of retirement can raise several issues for an older adult. For example, finances, housing, pension, and income are a few problems an elder law attorney can help you address.

Elder Abuse & General Protection of Senior Rights 

Whether you face physical abuse, emotional abuse, neglect, financial exploitation or health care fraud at the hands of your assisted living facility, an attorney can help you get the justice you deserve. No senior should ever have to go through any kind of abuse, whether at the hands of nursing home staff or their own family.

Are you looking for legal assistance for the elderly? Do you or your loved ones require legal advice on any issues under elder law?

Then make sure you connect with the right legal professionals for personalized advice on your case.

When to Hire an Elder Law Attorney to Protect a Senior’s Rights

Legal help for seniors is especially essential when they have no one to look out for their needs. If you need assistance with any of the above-mentioned legal issues under elder law, then look for an attorney to advocate on your behalf. Whether it is a retirement plan, financial planning, or estate planning, make sure you address your needs.

Work With an Experienced Local Lawyer

Do you know someone who suffered elder abuse? Are your grandparents looking to draft their wills? Do you need to apply for Social Security income, but do not know where to start?

Connect with a dedicated elder law attorney today, and get reputable legal advice on all your elder law issues.

Submit a request online or call us today at (866) 345-6784 to get in touch with an experienced lawyer in your area!

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