Child Birth Injury in Waldorf, MD

Childbirth is a momentous occasion in the life of a family in Waldorf. But it can also be a time of vulnerability for both the mother and the child. Unfortunately, childbirth injuries can occur, leaving families to cope with physical, emotional, and financial challenges.

You are not alone if you or a loved one has experienced a childbirth injury. Seeking legal guidance can help you identify your prospects to seek justice and damages. Keep reading to learn more and schedule a consultation with a local attorney.

What Causes a Childbirth Injury?

Did a healthcare provider act negligently and cause harm to your child or the mother? If so, you may have the opportunity to file a medical malpractice suit in Waldorf, MD.

Timing and action are pivotal factors during labor and delivery. Occasionally, a baby may experience a birth injury. This incident could indicate that a doctor exercised poor judgment or failed to act appropriately. If the healthcare provider in Waldorf did not meet the standard of care, it could qualify as negligence.

There must be a direct link between negligence and the birth injury to have a claim. However, the unfortunate fact is that it can take time to identify the effects. Although some injuries are immediately noticeable, some may not manifest until the child misses developmental landmarks.

The long-term costs and effects can be devastating for a family in Waldorf. It is also notable that juries in Maryland recognize this fact. In 2019, there was a $229 million against Johns Hopkins Bayview Medical Center.

In addition, several potential situations could lead to a childbirth injury in Waldorf. One of the scenarios below may be relevant to your circumstances.

  • Improper Vacuum Usage

A mother may encounter challenges when delivering a baby through the birth canal. In some situations, healthcare providers in Waldorf employ a vacuum to aid her. It is a commonly used device that suctions the baby out. Typically, it gets attached to their head or shoulders. However, this action may lead to severe injury for the mom and the infant.

  • Improper Use of Forceps

Doctors may use forceps if the baby is not in the proper birthing position. Proper usage reduces the risk of oxygen deprivation and fetal distress. Nonetheless, healthcare providers must exercise extreme caution. Improper use of this tool may lead to severe head injuries or nerve damage.

  • Hypoxia

Hypoxia is a medical condition caused by the brain not receiving enough oxygen. It is commonly the result of the umbilical cord getting tangled around the baby’s neck. This condition can also arise from a damaged or infected placenta. Fortunately, most healthcare providers in Waldorf, Maryland can identify hypoxia in advance and intervene.

However, asphyxiation may occur if the medical staff fails to take timely action. The consequences can include severe physical or mental disabilities. In such cases, healthcare professionals may be held responsible for damages.

  • Cesarean Section Delay

An emergency C-section can be necessary for several situations, including fetal distress. This condition occurs when the baby’s heartbeat drops due to the mother’s blood pressure or other complications.

A doctor may also decide to perform a C-section if the baby is not in a safe position. For instance, it could fail to descend into the birth canal, or the mother may not dilate. The procedure may be necessary to avoid further harm in any of these scenarios.

However, medical professionals may delay performing a C-section. This decision can have severe consequences for both the mother and the child. As a result, it is crucial to determine the need for this procedure early.

What Are Some Other Possible Causes of Childbirth Injury in Waldorf?

Additional forms of medical negligence that may lead to harm involve:

  • Failing to address alterations in the infant’s state.
  • Neglecting to diagnose or provide medical care for conditions such as infections or placenta previa.
  • Delaying the administration of labor-inducing medications.
  • Inadequate prenatal testing or not conducting comprehensive examinations.

Shoulder Dystocia

This complication can occur during childbirth when the baby’s shoulders get stuck behind the mother’s pubic bone. Shoulder dystocia can happen due to several factors in a Waldorf delivery room:

  • The baby’s size or position
  • The mother’s pelvic shape or size
  • The use of certain medications to induce or augment labor

There can be severe consequences, including nerve injury, oxygen deprivation, or even death. When shoulder dystocia occurs, doctors and midwives must act quickly. They may use techniques such as changing the mother’s position or performing an episiotomy.

Klumpke Paralysis

This condition happens after a type of brachial plexus injury. This network of nerves runs from the spinal cord through the neck and into the arm. During childbirth, if the baby’s head and neck get pulled or twisted too forcefully, they can become stretched or torn.

Klumpke paralysis can result in weakness or paralysis of the muscles in the hand and forearm. Another common symptom is numbness or tingling in the affected limb. In severe cases, it may also affect the shoulder or upper arm.

Why Should You Take Action for Your Child Birth Injury?

If your child has a birth injury in Waldorf, you have a right to take legal action. The primary reason is to safeguard your financial stability. These injuries may cause long-term disabilities and setbacks for the child and their mother.

Additionally, the expenses for necessary treatments, medical equipment, and medications can become overwhelming. Pursuing a lawsuit can help alleviate these financial burdens and ensure a more secure future.

The infant mortality rate in Maryland is 6.4 deaths per 1,000 live births. Regrettably, this statistic is higher than the national average of 5.7 deaths per 1,000. There are also significant disparities in infant mortality rates based on race and ethnicity. African American infants experience a mortality rate of 11.8 deaths per 1,000 live births. As a result, the data suggests disparities in places like Waldorf, such as social determinants of health and systemic racism.

Work With an Experienced Local Child Birth Injury Lawyer in Waldorf, Maryland 

If you have concerns about medical malpractice during birth in Waldorf, you must act promptly. Look for a local lawyer who specializes in these cases to help you through a legal claim.

We can even help you connect with an attorney across Maryland state lines. Request legal help through our site or call us today at (866) 345-6784.

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