Child Birth Injury in Chandler, AZ

The rising rate of problems in delivery rooms is cause for concern. According to World Population Review, the U.S. rates 50 out of the 195 countries they track for child mortality.

Many experts consider this statistic a canary in the proverbial coal mine. Countries that struggle in this area have systemic issues with their healthcare system.

Have you or a family member become a victim of negligence during childbirth in Chandler? Then you are not alone, and local lawyers are ready to help. This guide will teach you about state or federal law and what legal counsel can do on your behalf.

What Causes a Childbirth Injury?

If a parent suspects negligence, they may start a malpractice lawsuit in Chandler, AZ. Timing and action are critical factors during childbirth, and a poor judgment call can result in a catastrophe.

Negligence must have a direct link to the damage to win in court. Unfortunately, some childbirth injuries are not immediately apparent. They may not become evident until the child misses developmental milestones.

The damages may include medical expenses, ongoing care, and lost wages. An experienced Chandler medical malpractice attorney can help gather evidence and build a strong case.

Furthermore, several possible situations could result in a childbirth injury in Chandler. Your specific case may fall under one of the following scenarios.

  • Improper Vacuum Usage

In some cases, mothers may face challenges when giving birth to a baby. Medical experts in Chandler may use a vacuum to aid the process.

A vacuum is a tool that can help pull the baby down and out by suctioning its head or shoulders. Unfortunately, the vacuum may not be in the right place, leading to significant harm to both the mother and the newborn.

  • Improper Use of Forceps

Medical staff may use forceps when the baby has trouble getting through the birth canal. This tool can be vital when the infant is in an improper position. Its proper implementation can reduce oxygen deprivation and other risks. However, extreme caution is necessary. Improper use may cause severe head injuries or nerve damage.

  • Hypoxia

Hypoxia is a medical condition caused by insufficient oxygen supply to the brain. It is most commonly due to the umbilical cord tangling around the neck during childbirth. But it can also happen due to a damaged or infected placenta. Generally, medical professionals in Chandler, Arizona can identify it early and prevent harm.

Nonetheless, delayed action may result in asphyxiation. This occurrence can lead to severe physical or mental disabilities. In such cases, the medical staff may be liable for damages.

  • Cesarean Section Delay

In certain situations, an emergency C-section may be necessary during childbirth. One such situation is fetal distress. This condition occurs when the infant’s heartbeat drops due to the mother’s blood pressure or other factors.

There are various other reasons a doctor may decide to perform a C-section, such as when the baby is in the wrong position. But if the medical staff waits too long to perform the procedure, it may lead to severe consequences.

What Are Some Other Possible Causes of Childbirth Injury in Chandler?

Various forms of medical negligence could lead to injuries to the birth mother or child, such as:

  • Neglecting to address changes in the baby’s condition.
  • Inadequate prenatal testing
  • Delayed administration of labor-inducing drugs
  • Failure to diagnose or treat infections, umbilical cord entrapment, etc.

Klumpke Palsy

Klumpke palsy is a type of paralysis that affects the lower arm and hand. It happens due to damage to the brachial plexus nerves in the neck and shoulder region. Harm to this area during delivery in Chandler is often the result of excessive pulling, stretching, or pressure. The affected arm may experience weakness, paralysis, and decreased mobility.


Bone fractures during childbirth can happen when there is difficulty in delivering the baby through the birth canal. The bones of a newborn are still soft and pliable, which makes them more vulnerable to fractures.

Additionally, forceps or vacuum extractors may also lead to bone breaks in a Chandler delivery room. Factors that increase the risk include a larger-than-average baby or improper delivery techniques.

Why Should You Take Action for Your Child Birth Injury?

The CDC reports the infant mortality rate in Arizona is five deaths per 1,000 live births. This rate is slightly higher than the national average, which does not bode well. As mentioned above, the U.S. has a reputation for having substantial problems compared to other nations.

If your child has suffered a birth injury in Chandler, seek financial compensation with an attorney. One of the primary reasons to pursue this legal action is to protect your financial future. The costs associated with treatment, medical equipment, and medication can be overwhelming. Additionally, pursuing civil action can determine the trajectory of your life or your child’s.

Work With an Experienced Local Child Birth Injury Lawyer in Chandler, Arizona 

A childbirth injury lawyer in Chandler can navigate the rough waters of these lawsuits. Ask for assistance through our website or call us today at (866) 345-6784. We can even help you connect with an attorney across Arizona state lines.

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