Child Birth Injury in Carson City, NV

Childbirth should be a momentous and joyous occasion. However, it can quickly turn devastating when negligence or malpractice occurs.

Childbirth injuries can have life-altering consequences. In the confusing and challenging times that follow, you may feel unsure about how to proceed.

We’re here to help. We can give you the details you need to know and connect you with legal representation in Carson City. Start the journey toward the justice and compensation you deserve today!

What Causes a Childbirth Injury?

Timing and action are critical aspects during the labor and delivery process. Unfortunately, there are instances where an infant may experience a birth injury. This event can indicate that a healthcare professional made an incorrect judgment or failed to take appropriate action. If the medical provider in Carson City deviated from the accepted standard of care, it may meet the criteria for negligence.

It is essential to demonstrate a direct link between medical malpractice and the resulting harm. However, this task can be challenging since the effects are not always immediately apparent. Conditions that affect the brain, for example, may only become noticeable after missing developmental milestones. These factors make it critical to monitor how a child develops to look for potential long-term consequences.

Childbirth injuries are also not limited to local hospitals. It is notable that a military couple filed a $25 million lawsuit in 2016. They claimed that they had to wait too long for a c-section through a military hospital. As a result, they pursued justice through the U.S. District Court for the District of Nevada.

Furthermore, there are several scenarios in which a child may experience an injury during childbirth in Carson City. Your specific situation may align with one of the following examples:

  • Improper Vacuum Usage

On occasion, a mother may encounter challenges during the process of delivering a baby through the birth canal. In such cases, medical professionals in Carson City may opt to intervene and utilize a vacuum device. This instrument employs suction to aid in guiding the baby downward and out of the birth canal. Proper placement on the baby’s head or shoulders is the responsibility of the attending nurses and doctors. However, instances may arise where the vacuum is not affixed correctly.

  • Improper Use of Forceps

Medical personnel may use forceps to move the baby through the birth canal. It is common to make this choice when the infant is in an improper position. Proper application of this tool reduces the risk of oxygen deprivation and fetal distress.

Nonetheless, it is important for medical professionals to exercise extreme caution. Improper use of forceps can result in severe head injuries and may also cause nerve damage in the neck or chest. Therefore, the responsible use of this device is crucial to protect the mother and the baby.

  • Hypoxia

Hypoxia is a medical condition characterized by inadequate oxygen supply to the brain of a baby. The leading cause of this condition is the umbilical cord becoming entangled around the baby’s neck. In other cases, complications happens due to a damaged or infected placenta.

Fortunately, the majority of medical professionals in Carson City, Nevada can detect hypoxia in advance. This early identification enables timely intervention to mitigate the potential risks.

However, if the medical staff fails to act promptly, asphyxiation can ensue. This situation may lead to severe physical or mental disabilities in the child. Consequently, the medical staff may be responsible for any resulting damages.

  • Cesarean Section Delay

An emergency C-section may be necessary in cases of fetal distress. This condition happens when the infant’s heart rate declines. This situation can happen due to a drop in the mother’s blood pressure or placental abruption.

There are several other reasons why a doctor might opt for a C-section. For instance, the baby could be in an unfavorable position or fail to descend the birth canal. Unfortunately, the decision to use this procedure may happen too late. These delays may have severe consequences for the mother and the child. 

What Are Some Other Possible Causes of Childbirth Injury in Carson City?

A few other examples of neglect that can lead to childbirth injuries include the following: 

  • Failing to address alterations in the baby’s condition
  • Neglecting to diagnose or treat infections or placenta previa
  • Delaying the appropriate administration of labor-inducing drugs
  • Neglecting to conduct thorough prenatal testing

Klumpke’s Palsy

Klumpke’s palsy typically results from damage to the lower nerves of the brachial plexus. This condition is more common when there’s a need for a forceful extraction.

The symptoms typically include the appearance of a “claw hand.” This symptom is due to weakness or paralysis in the hand and wrist. The worst-case scenarios can include lifelong care and medication.


The most common fractures during childbirth happen to the collarbone and the arm bones. These injuries are often the result of physical pressure as the baby moves through the birth canal. Additionally, the improper use of forceps or vacuum extractors can be the cause.

In some cases, these injuries may be a result of medical negligence in Carson City. For example, there could have been a failure to respond to fetal distress or inappropriate handling of a breech presentation.

Why Should You Take Action for Your Child Birth Injury?

It is crucial for parents whose child has a birth injury in Carson City to take proactive steps.

One of the primary reasons to start a childbirth injury lawsuit is to safeguard your financial well-being. Both the child and the mother may face lifelong challenges and disabilities as a result of the birth injury. The expenses associated with treatments and medications can swiftly overwhelm your finances. Moreover, the quality of life for both you and your child may hinge upon pursuing civil action.

Nevada has an unfortunate history of poor obstetrics care. For example, the Nevada Current reports the state ranked third to last for pregnancy-related deaths. This fact is particularly alarming for Carson City residents. The U.S. already ranks remarkably low compared to other OECD countries.

Work With an Experienced Local Child Birth Injury Lawyer in Carson City, Nevada 

If you have concerns about child birth injuries in Carson City, it is important to take prompt action. Seeking the assistance of a local child birth injury lawyer can help you navigate the complex process. They will support you and help you understand your rights. We can even help you connect with an attorney across Nevada state lines.

Ask us for help through our site or call (866) 345-6784 today!

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