Auto Accident Injury in Carson City, NV

As safe as you might think you are behind the wheel, auto accidents can happen in the blink of an eye.

As a result, you may have found yourself unprepared for this situation. Accordingly, this comprehensive guide aims to arm Carson City residents with vital knowledge. Begin your journey towards safer driving and enhanced road awareness with us today.

Auto Accident Injury Statistics in Carson City, Nevada

The Nevada Department of Public Safety does not have good news to share about auto accidents. The number of fatal crashes increased from 2010 to 2019. It is also interesting to note that the worst incidents in Carson City usually happened between 6 – 9 p.m.

What to Do After an Auto Accident

Being ready in case you become involved in a car accident is crucial. The following are the guidelines to keep in mind right after the collision occurs. 

Receive Immediate Medical Attention

The most crucial action to take after an automobile accident is to promptly find medical care. It is possible that you may underestimate the severity of your injuries. You can ensure that there are no internal injuries that could go unnoticed by finding treatment.

File a Police Report

Even if there are no injuries, it is important to dial 911 and request the presence of law enforcement. Upon their arrival, make a note of each officer’s name and badge number. Answer their inquiries truthfully, but refrain from offering any unsolicited information. In particular, you want to avoid giving opinions on the exact sequence of events or fault. Remember to ask the officers for the police report number and inquire about obtaining a copy.

You can call the Carson City Sheriff’s Department directly after an auto accident. However, dial 911 immediately if anyone has injuries.

Gather the Appropriate Documentation

You will want to collect some vital information while you wait for officers to arrive. Some of the most substantial details you can gather to support your case in Carson City are:

  • Names, addresses, phone numbers, and email addresses for each party involved (and witnesses)
  • Driver’s license numbers
  • Auto insurance details

Utilize your phone to capture photographs of the driver’s license, auto insurance card, your vehicle, and all other vehicles. Avoid relying solely on verbal communication. Gathering as much information as you can will prove beneficial for your case in the future.

Aim to maintain a civil and amicable exchange throughout. However, refrain from apologizing or suggesting any responsibility.

Recovering Damages After an Auto Accident Injury

Following a car accident, the impact on both your emotions and finances can be overwhelming. Not only are you grappling with mental distress, but you may also be enduring significant physical injuries.

Common injuries that happen during motor vehicle accidents include the following: 

  • Whiplash
  • Fractures
  • Head and brain injuries
  • Back and spinal cord injuries
  • Soft tissue injuries
  • Chest injuries
  • Internal injuries
  • Leg and knee injuries
  • Psychological trauma

The NHTSA offers some staggering statistics about the costs of auto accident injuries. According to a recent report, the damages reached $340 billion in 2019. As a result, the average Carson City resident may pay around $1,035 for even minor incidents.

Hiring a car accident attorney can get you the financial means to address any damages. Additionally, a lawyer will assist you in navigating the paperwork, thereby increasing your chances of obtaining compensation.

Auto Accident Laws in Nevada

Liability Laws for Carson City

In the event of a car accident, it is crucial to ascertain the party responsible for the damage. The determination of fault significantly influences various aspects. Your insurance claim and level of liability will play a vital role in the claims process.

Liability laws for auto accidents generally follow the rule of comparative negligence. This legal doctrine means that liability for the accident can belong to multiple parties. Nonetheless, Carson City residents can recover damages if their share of fault is less than 50%.

Statute of Limitations in Carson City

Every state has tort laws that dictate the timeframe within which you can file a claim. In certain states, this timeframe is as short as one year. However, other states may allow up to six years to start a lawsuit.

The statute of limitations to file a lawsuit for a personal injury in Carson City is typically two years. Regardless, you should know that this deadline can vary based on the circumstances.

That is why it is crucial to seek the advice of an attorney promptly following your car accident. Avoid delaying and risking the potential loss of compensation that they can help you recover.

Work With an Experienced Auto Accident Lawyer Near Carson City, NV

Following a car accident, we understand that you already have numerous concerns. Allow us to assist you in locating an auto accident attorney. Our aim is to help you obtain the rightful financial restitution you deserve. We can even help you connect with legal help across Nevada state lines.

Ask us for legal help online or call (866) 345-6784!

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